
Showing posts from February, 2017

Fascinating Story of Your Diamond

There are beautiful mysteries hidden in nature which are fascinating to human beings. Diamond is one such alluring mineral on Earth that has been fascinating for people since centuries. The formation of diamond is also an extraordinary process that turns this natural element into the world’s most desirable jewel. Your diamond is born under the earth’s surface, with extreme heat and pressure causing the fragments of carbon to turn into crystals of diamond. These crystals are brought to the earth’s surface during volcanic eruption in the form of magma. Later, the material is washed away by rain, and dispersed by other weathering agents leaving behind the diamond crystals and some being washed away. Men first found this diamond in the beginning of the 1400s in India when it was sold to Venice and European countries from India. However in the 1700s when the India’s diamond supplies declined, Brazil became the world’s major source of diamond. Later, diamond was discovered in the mines of A...