10 Amazing Facts About Diamonds
Since centuries, diamonds have been the most precious gemstone that every human being desires. Though a diamond is said to be a girl’s best friend but men too are fond of diamond. While women wear it as a pride, a man definitely chooses a diamond ring to express his love. The reason behind the fascination for diamond is perhaps due to the process that it undergoes from being ordinary carbon to an extraordinary diamond. There are a number of amazing facts that you must know about diamonds before you call yourself a true diamond lover. The word diamond is derived from the Greek word “adamas” which means one which cannot be destroyed. Diamond is said to be the hardest natural substance as nothing can scratch a diamond except another diamond. Cupid, the god of love in Roman mythology is represented as a boy with an arrow in his hand and is believed to have diamonds in the tip of the arrow, perhaps the true association of love with diamonds. Diamonds were first mined in India,...